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Alice is a musical short theatrical piece. It was performed in RESAD (Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Madrid) in January 2015. It is a contemporary version Lewis Carroll's work following Robert Wilson's dramaturgical and stage models.
Dramturgy & direction:
Alberto Trijueque
Musical composition:
Rodrigo Buenestado
Make-up design:
Aroa Chao
Alice - Alba Rico
The Caterpillar - Guillem Duquette
The Queen of Hearts - José Luis Fernández
The Hatter - Carlos Garbajosa
Tweedledum & Tweedledee - Nicole Kelly & Carolina Gru
Here, you can find a recording from a fragment of the piece, some pictures and the play's poster...
- Obsolence's Song -
Fragment from Alice
Play's poster
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